Jane Pierotti
I recently asked County Commissioners why they wanted to hurt the poor. The response was as if I had rolled a live grenade into the room.
Hurting the poor may not have been their intent, but those who vote for tax increases do just that.
Every tax dollar that's taken from families is a dollar that doesn't go to a local restaurant… A dollar that doesn’t go for food... A dollar that doesn't go to hiring a new employee or buying a house giving a raise. Taxes starve the poor.
Detroit is broke. The Detroit Free Press reports that elected officials for the last 60 years refused to make the tough calls that could have saved Detroit. Instead they spent more and taxed more. The result? Detroit’s revenue has fallen 40% since 1962.
Higher taxes drove residents & businesses away.
Chicago is broke.
Camden, NJ is broke.
Stockton, CA is broke.
So is Birmingham, AL and Oakland, and Providence and Harrisburg, PA.
Memphis is on the edge.
Each of these cities believed a myth: that more spending can be solved by raising taxes. But the truth is that tax hikes bring in LESS money to the treasury. That means less money to help the poor, less money for businesses to grow & hire.
High taxes kill cities & devastate the poor. The answer is LOWER taxes.
December’s American Thinker said, “Compared to the ten most-taxed metro areas, America's ten least-taxed experienced three times faster population growth, 3 times faster employment growth, and 2 X the increase in personal income.” Isn’t that what we want here in Shelby County?
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took office in 2010, and inherited $3B in debt & a 9% unemployment rate. He lowered taxes, cut spending, and re-negotiated union contracts. Today, Wisconsin has a surplus of $1B which Walker gave back to the taxpayers. Businesses is booming! `Unemployment has dropped from 9 - 6.%.
The choice is yours. Let your elected officials know that lowering taxes helps the poor; raising them hurts the poor. Or you can do nothing – and we all suffer.