Everyday we are learning about the corruption of our government. it's starting to look like General Flynn was framed. The Mueller investigation has been going on for over a year and the President and his associates have been illegally spied on for even longer and still...they got nothing. The credibility of our government institutions are falling by the minute and then Florida's school shooting happened and we later learned the FBI didn't act even after someone saw something and said something.
They needed to do something to distract but also to justify their existence since the Russian Collusion story has collapsed. When they announced the indictments of 13 Russians last Friday that was supposed to be the bombshell that dominated all else and added fuel to their dying fire for Russian Collusion only it didn't work.
When people started deconstructing what the indictments actually meant it all boiled down to lame Russian social media trolling. The left is still desperately trying to spin it into something but they can't.
The left and social media companies are desperately trying to regain control of the message by figuring out how they can censor we the people without it looking that way. If Hillary had won this probably would have already happened. For the moment, you and I have a say in what the narrative is and MSM isn't realizing this...or perhaps they are which is why they are attacking people like Lucian Wintrich. If the MSM is attacking you it means you have hit your target.
We are living in the most interesting of times. We the people have more power right now than any people in history. How long this lasts? I don't know....
Deep State is falling apart. Their narrative about Russian Collusion has collapsed and now they are paying someone to try and verify that fake golden showers dossier because they need it verified in order to justify the FISA warrant.
If this falls apart like it seems to be....people are going to jail.
The most dangerous time when you are trapping an animal is when he's backed into a corner. Their lives are at stake here so expect more breaking news...this unraveling is just getting started but boy is it not interesting to watch?
A democrat Senator warned Mueller not to release his report before the midterms. That's strange, it must not be good for democrats. General Flynn's sentencing was delayed and the Judge has ordered ALL exculpatory evidence to be turned over to Flynn's attorneys. I sense something big is about to happen but meanwhile....
They aren't winning anymore but someone is....