My brother Lewis and I have started a substack....Ides Of Apocalypse...this is where I will be posting from now on. I hope those reading this will join me. First post is about the Battle of Bull Run, nicknamed The Picnic Battle
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I haven't written anything new on here since 2022.
Tonight is the Full Buck Moon. J.P. Morgan once said that millionaires don't use astrology, but billionaires do. Who knows really, but can you feel the energy shifting? I can...and I'm going to roll with it. I will begin posting again regularly. It's time...and unlike most of what I'm seeing out there...I'm looking forward to the next Golden Age. Good vibes incoming...❤️ If we've learned anything in the last few years it's that our news is fake, but our history even faker. The Age of Covid began a Great Awakening....a questioning of everything....EVERY SINGLE THING. Let's start with the premise everything you have been told is a lie. If everything we have been told is a lie that opens up a Brave New World and I don't mean the book...I mean the Lord works in mysterious ways and Psalm 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. The world is full of mystery. Read Revelations 1:6 And made us Kings and Priests unto God even his Father, to him, I say, be glory, and dominion for evermore, Amen. If it's the glory of kings to search things out then let's search things out...the world is at our fingertips, pun intended. As we search things out remember ...we were given DOMINION over the dark forces of this world...not a pun but a synchronicity when you consider the voting machines which CAST your votes. Ancient Chinese saying....May you live in interesting times. MISSION ACCOMPISHED! The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918....the end of the first world war. Eleven...a sign of great spiritual awakening. In numerology 11 is the number of angels and some of you might find yourself drawn to this number...I know I do. You know the old computers you would see with the coding rolling across the screens? In a sense we have been living in a matrix. A matrix created by who knows but you have been programmed to believe things that aren't true. Coding is numbers, letters, and characters. Look out in this world and you will see lots of numbers, letters, and characters. Don't dismiss this because it's key. Imagine if we had had the internet way back in 1918. I'm pretty sure some savvy internet sleuths would have found the license plate on Archduke Franz Ferdinand's car he was driving in 1914 on June 28th when he was assassinated, was a tell from the script writers . The demonic forces who have been writing The True-man Show script that we've been living in for who knows how long. A III II8? Come on man....the spark that lit WWI was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was killed on June 28th, 1914 and the license plate of the car he was driving that day was A III II8...The Armistice that was signed ending the war was signed at 5:00 AM in morning but wouldn't come into effect until 11:00 AM on the 11th day of the 11 month of 1918. A is for Armistice ...A III II8....11/11/18. What are the odds? What was WWI really about? They called it the war to end all wars but the Treaty of Versailles laid the groundwork for WWII. The script writers are sociopaths, but I digress.... Today is 11/11/22. Everything they have you is a lie but sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at the narratives we have been's all so obvious now.....Enjoy this's better than being angry or anxious about it. And 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass darkly: but then shall we see face to face. Now I know in part: but then shall I know even as I am known. I posted this in November 2017, and now I can't pull up the link unless I go to Here's the link to the old post. When you click the link it will say the server is not responding. I happened to find this address from another post I had made which contained the link so I was able to get the exact address. Go to and paste the link in their search engine and the post came up but under a different web address than my weebly blog. Why would this happen? Documenting here for history. UPDATE: I posted this in August of 2016 and I am reposting today in light of revelations by Donna Brazile who says she was haunted by the death of Seth Rich and feared for her life after he was killed. I guess I'm going to have to buy her book Hacks because things just got interesting....The post below is about another mysterious death related to the Clintons that most people don't know about. I didn't name him in the post below but his name was Stanley Huggins and just like Seth Rich, his life mattered. Will we finally see justice for all the mysterious deaths related to the Clintons? I don't know but Harvey Weinstein was once in the protected class too...until he wasn't....Interesting times no? UPDATE: I have received permission to publish and name more of the details I left off originally which I did post here so please read this too. .....I posted a story last week about the files missing from the National Archives regarding Vince Foster and HIllary Clinton. I posted a few paragraphs along with it about some personal information I have regarding someone who I think was killed (depending on whichever Clinton Body Count list it will either say said person committed suicide or died from viral pneumonia) while investigating one of the many Clinton scandals from the nineties. Knowing about the mysterious deaths that have occurred related to the DNC and those who tried to expose the corruption and having 1st hand-knowledge about events that have taken place this year related to a person/s still living connected to the person who was killed over 20 years ago, it's not paranoid of me to think I may be swimming in dangerous waters. Saturday night after getting off of work I avoided a serious car accident driving through the light that leads me from the private property where I work to a main street in Memphis. My light was green. I have worked at this location over 10 years. I know the light situation like the back of my hand. There's a about a quarter of a mile stretch when you 1st turn on to the street that will lead you out of work. You can see the light immediately when you turn on to this stretch. The light was green so I knew when I got to the light it would be red. I continued driving at about 30ish miles per hour and noticing the light was not turning red, thinking that was strange but I thought to myself, cool I'm going to make the light. It stays green at the point where I know I'll make the light even if it changes so I increased speed probably going about 40. I'm right at the point where I'm getting ready to leave this street and hit the main street on Memphis. This is a a very busy street with a speed limit of 40 but you know Memphis, most drive 50 on this street. I looked to my left and I notice drivers in all 3 lanes driving full speed. They should be slowing down because my light is green but they aren't, so I quickly slam on the breaks realizing they aren't going to stop. It was all very surreal and I was staring at the lady in the far left lane as it was happening and noticed she was freaked out when she saw me, and all at the same time, all three lanes slammed on their breaks at the same time I did. The light must have just changed for them at that moment. The lady I was staring at raised her hands up mouthing I'm so sorry to which I mouthed back it's ok.... At this point I was hyperventilating ...telling myself to calm down and to just breath. On a side street to my left I noticed a Shelby County deputy sitting on his motorcycle just staring at me as I drove by. Now, I know the light situation could have been a fluke, the deputy probably means nothing though I have never seen a Shelby County deputy in this part of town. Memphis Police you will see all of the time. But who knows, perhaps he had some business there. Earlier in the day I had been texting my friend regarding the name of the individual who I think was killed and telling her how his death has been written up as a suicide or pneumonia which I know is not how he died. I know how he died and that same method of killing has recently been tried on individual/s still living but intimately involved with the victim from the nineties. Fortunately, that method was not successful but the very idea that an individual/s simply related to the victim from the nineties still cannot sleep at night is frighteningly ridiculous. I also told my friend I felt paranoid even texting about this and have found myself looking around for black vehicles following me...yes I know, pretty silly. In light of what we know was a rigged democrat election and that 5 people trying to expose corruption related to Hillary Clinton have mysteriously died, Dr. Drew's show being canceled because he gave his honest opinion about Hillary's health, the Huffington Post writer below who was fired over night because of his article discussing Hillary's health is enough to make one paranoid. Writing anything negative about Hillary can have all kinds of negative consequences. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I just want to document a few facts. I'm not suicidal. I have never been depressed. I'm not clumsy. I'm extremely healthy. My blood pressure is that of a healthy 20 year old. I ride my bike regularly and lift weights 5 to 6 times per week (though death by barbell might be one of their methods) but I'm not lifting anything heavy enough to kill me. I live in one of the safest communities in America. You can leave your door unlocked and nothing will happen here though I don't recommend it. I haven't had a car wreck in over 25 years. There is absolutely no reason why I should ever come into contact with ricin or any other poison you can think of. The following stories add on to the reasons one might be paranoid...
UPDATE: I have received permission to publish and name more of the details I left off originally which I did post here so please read this too. .....I posted a story last week about the files missing from the National Archives regarding Vince Foster and HIllary Clinton. I posted a few paragraphs along with it about some personal information I have regarding someone who I think was killed (depending on whichever Clinton Body Count list it will either say said person committed suicide or died from viral pneumonia) while investigating one of the many Clinton scandals from the nineties. Knowing about the mysterious deaths that have occurred related to the DNC and those who tried to expose the corruption and having 1st hand-knowledge about events that have taken place this year related to a person/s still living connected to the person who was killed over 20 years ago, it's not paranoid of me to think I may be swimming in dangerous waters. Saturday night after getting off of work I avoided a serious car accident driving through the light that leads me from the private property where I work to a main street in Memphis. My light was green. I have worked at this location over 10 years. I know the light situation like the back of my hand. There's a about a quarter of a mile stretch when you 1st turn on to the street that will lead you out of work. You can see the light immediately when you turn on to this stretch. The light was green so I knew when I got to the light it would be red. I continued driving at about 30ish miles per hour and noticing the light was not turning red, thinking that was strange but I thought to myself, cool I'm going to make the light. It stays green at the point where I know I'll make the light even if it changes so I increased speed probably going about 40. I'm right at the point where I'm getting ready to leave this street and hit the main street on Memphis. This is a a very busy street with a speed limit of 40 but you know Memphis, most drive 50 on this street. I looked to my left and I notice drivers in all 3 lanes driving full speed. They should be slowing down because my light is green but they aren't, so I quickly slam on the breaks realizing they aren't going to stop. It was all very surreal and I was staring at the lady in the far left lane as it was happening and noticed she was freaked out when she saw me, and all at the same time, all three lanes slammed on their breaks at the same time I did. The light must have just changed for them at that moment. The lady I was staring at raised her hands up mouthing I'm so sorry to which I mouthed back it's ok.... At this point I was hyperventilating ...telling myself to calm down and to just breath. On a side street to my left I noticed a Shelby County deputy sitting on his motorcycle just staring at me as I drove by. Now, I know the light situation could have been a fluke, the deputy probably means nothing though I have never seen a Shelby County deputy in this part of town. Memphis Police you will see all of the time. But who knows, perhaps he had some business there. Earlier in the day I had been texting my friend regarding the name of the individual who I think was killed and telling her how his death has been written up as a suicide or pneumonia which I know is not how he died. I know how he died and that same method of killing has recently been tried on individual/s still living but intimately involved with the victim from the nineties. Fortunately, that method was not successful but the very idea that an individual/s simply related to the victim from the nineties still cannot sleep at night is frighteningly ridiculous. I also told my friend I felt paranoid even texting about this and have found myself looking around for black vehicles following me...yes I know, pretty silly. In light of what we know was a rigged democrat election and that 5 people trying to expose corruption related to Hillary Clinton have mysteriously died, Dr. Drew's show being canceled because he gave his honest opinion about Hillary's health, the Huffington Post writer below who was fired over night because of his article discussing Hillary's health is enough to make one paranoid. Writing anything negative about Hillary can have all kinds of negative consequences. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I just want to document a few facts. I'm not suicidal. I have never been depressed. I'm not clumsy. I'm extremely healthy. My blood pressure is that of a healthy 20 year old. I ride my bike regularly and lift weights 5 to 6 times per week (though death by barbell might be one of their methods) but I'm not lifting anything heavy enough to kill me. I live in one of the safest communities in America. You can leave your door unlocked and nothing will happen here though I don't recommend it. I haven't had a car wreck in over 25 years. There is absolutely no reason why I should ever come into contact with ricin or any other poison you can think of. The following stories add on to the reasons one might be paranoid...
Epstein didn't kill himself .....amazing how the cameras magically stopped working when we needed them the most .....and the security guards fell asleep....and oh never mind.
Brunel didn't kill himself....amazing how the cameras magically stopped working when we needed them the most...and oh never mind. Prince Andrew recently settled his lawsuit with Virginia Giuffre...perhaps the Duke won't need to be Epsteined....the jury is still out on that. Ghislane Maxwell was recently convicted of conspiring to recruit and groom teenage girls for the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile ring is awaiting sentencing and asking for a new trial. She wanted the motions for a new trial sealed but a judge says it must be "aired out in the open." That was on February 12th and seven days later Jean-Luc Brunel kills himself? We may never know what's going on under the radar but what we do know is there will likely be more people getting Epsteined and that there is no rest for the wicked. Penzeys Spices Says all Trump Supporting Republicans Are Racist...Another Get Woke Go Broke Victim?2/18/2022 Get woke go broke seems to be all the rage these days for the left who seem to be worse off now than when Orange Man Bad was president. Covid hysteria amped up the crazy to heights we had never seen before. Sadly the left has become the totalitarian thugs they used to hate and all under the banner of claiming to want to protect people. The Branch Covidians drank the Kool Aid of hate and it doesn't seem like they will ever wake up. They see you, Republican Trump supporters, as the problem. While Canada is sending out their state sponsored jack-booted thugs and Australia seems to have taken on the mantle of most-China like nation, some businesses in America think calling half of America a bunch of racists simply because they are Republicans or just because they support Trump. Penzeys Spices was started in 1957 in Milwaukee, WI but is now headquartered in Wauwatosa, WI. They have been known for supporting progressive causes but post Trump, their supporting progressive causes has been amped up a few notches. During President Trump's impeachment they spent 700,000 on ads supporting impeachment. Last month they sent out an email to their news letter subscribers telling Republicans they are racist and re-naming MLK Day to Republicans are Racist Day. Sounds like a real friendly guy eh? Let's see how that's working out for him..... "Penzeys lost 40k online subscribers after he sent out the bigoted email but claims to have gained more customers than he lost......" Penzey declined to release information about sales, but said he has gained more customers than he has lost. Yeah Ok buddy. The one problem is that many of the new customers don’t cook, while many of the customers he has lost were regular cooks who routinely needed to replenish their spice supply. He got a bunch more customers but trying to get them to become regular customers is the trick. He got a lot of ONE TIME customers and angered his regular customers so much they won't be back. Bold strategy that I'm predicting won't work out for him.
In the meantime here are some spice companies that don't add partisan politics to their inventory. Special note: The Spice House is Penzeys sister who broke away from the company when he went full libtard. The Spice House is located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin locations and hours: 1031 N Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 53203 414-272-0977 Hours Open for in-store shopping and pick up. Monday-Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Milwaukee Public Market 400 North Water Street Penzeys Spices has closed up shop for in-store shopping due to Covid. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the loss of customers....bless their heart 😍. Deconstructing the stories of History that have been mindlessly passed on through the ages via education, media, and your parents just repeating the lies they were told is one of my hobbies these days. If the news is fake, and our history even faker, there's a lot of mysteries out there to unfold. I do this not to present you with the definitive truth, but just to question what you think you believe. When you understand THEY have been casting spells since the dawn of time, you can begin to appreciate the spiritual battle we are in. Your beliefs are wrong because you have been programmed with false information. Look at this like debugging your brain which is one powerful computer. Unplug from the matrix and plug into the universe of God. The creator gave you everything you need. Your inner knowing can help guide you and is something THEY would rather you not know. So on to Edgar Allan Poe. Forget everything you think you know about Poe. He was a dark and melancholy lost soul, wondering the earth obsessed with death. He died a drunk, in the gutter, and depressed because he had nothing to live for. He was an atheist and a loner with very few friends. All of these statements are not just wrong, they are polar opposite of the truth. How did Poe get such a dark reputation? Rufus Griswold, one of Poe's bitterest enemies in life, wrote his obituary. Wow. Nice guy, that one lol...."Poe's death will startle many but few will be grieved, he had few or NO friends". Who was Rufus Griswold? He once wrote The Poets and Poetry of America claiming to have read every poem ever written in America. Consider that he wrote this at a time when Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most famous poets and the first author to earn a living solely off of writing. Griswold's 1st edition left Poe out of that book OOPS! Poe was actually more revered for his editing and being a literary critic at the time and many famous authors eagerly sought out his reviews for their work. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, H.P. Lovecraft, Jules Verne, Walt Whitman just to name a few. Word got back to Griswold that Poe was not happy at being left out of the book so Griswold quickly came out with the 2nd edition which threw in a few of Poe's poems. Griswold only did this because he needed Poe's positive review for his book if he wanted to carry any weight with it in the literary world. He paid Poe ten dollars and Poe felt like he was trying to pay for him to put in a good word but Poe was not too impressed with the book and ended up giving a lukewarm review, claiming that several of the poets in there would be forgotten over time. Griswold did include several poets who were his close friends. Poe's prediction that they would be forgotten came true but a lifelong bitter feud began. A feud that Griswold would never get over. Poe would hold events giving speeches and lectures about writing and other topics and could easily draw thousands of people. He would often mock Griswold in these speeches. He even wrote a story where a character gets dumber after having read Griswold. Ouch! But LOLOLOL! And so began a lifelong feud that would end with Poe's enemy in life, cementing Poe's dark and melancholy reputation in history. I will try to make these points as brief as possible due to the inability of most people to focus on any one thing for longer than a minute. I include myself in this phenomenon, having to force myself to continue reading long articles even when the subject interests me. Fast Food nation has transformed us....but I digress.... . Edgar Allan Poe Revisited
Poe was the great theorist of “Diddling,” which he considered as one of the exact sciences, and he insisted that no diddle—a swindle, confidence-game, or prank—is complete without a “grin,” but only one that the diddler himself wears, seen by no one else.
Let me leave you with some things to make you think. When the MSM doesn't like you there are many ways of writing about without lying about you, just inferring things and leading you to where they want you to go. Negative descriptors, bad photos, leaving out pertinent information, etc. And once the big outlets latch on to a narrative the other outlets follow suit. For those who don't, they will be called conspiracy theorists or outlets that spread misinformation. Something simple to point out how they did this with Poe is the photos' they use of him.... There's other pictures out there but the main photo the system will show you when you go looking is the top left. I found one photo when he was a young man and it looks NOTHING like any of these but it is widely known that women loved him and found him attractive. The jury is still out on what he actually looked like but I'm guessing the top left is just a meme to match the myth and the bottom right is probably closer to the truth. THEY have lied to you about everything. Start questioning those characters and events in history you have been programmed to believe. Why do they write glowingly about some and negatively about others and what's the agenda in doing so. They spin stories of glory for evil people while for the righteous the "good is oft interred with their bones". What else are they lying about? Please reply with your own suspicions of myths in history and meanwhile I will move on to the next debunking. Shakespeare or Twain perhaps? My brother and I talked about Poe on and we have done 2 streams on our Youtube channel Ides of Apocalypse about Poe and his masterpiece Eureka with the following being the 1st one and the most recent one here. The news is fake and History even faker.
We have seen current events be re-written even as we watch it and in color. Watching the authorized media outlets write stories that completely invert the truth of current events, it occurs to me there is nothing new under the sun. This is not some anomaly wherein the media is out of control and just running rampant. This is the norm. It's always been the norm. History is written by the victors they say, which may or may not be true. Imagine your obituary was written by your bitterest enemy in life and that set the stage for how you would be remembered? Whoever has access to the printing press or whatever medium can get your message out. That's who writes history. Those with the access to spreading information and those with the talent to write it or those with the money and power to buy the access and hire the writer. Who knows? All I know is we've been lied to. Researching history and trying to deconstruct the lies we have been told can lead you down never-ending rabbit holes. Rabbit holes can be fun and interesting but also can become time wasters. My goal in writing this is to get you to begin questioning the stories you have been told. We have forgotten who we are because the system we live in, seeks constantly to program us full of lies and distract us from remembering who we are. If we can unlearn what we have learned, if we can open that third eye of intuition and discernment, then we can begin to unravel the mystery of history and raise your higher self up to the frequency of truth where healing, enlightenment, and peace are all within your control. John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. We live in a Spirit Whirled and we know our battle is not against flesh and blood. The dark forces of this world want you always distracted but you don't have to go where the system is leading you. Belief is the enemy have been indoctrinated to believe things that aren't true so let's start unlearning what you have learned and train your brain to read between the lines. God has given you everything you need and you can never kill the truth, you can only cover it up for awhile. The Mystery of History is going to be an ongoing series of posts focusing in on either a major event in history or a major character in history that I can prove did not happen the way we have been told it happened. So many mysteries, so little time.... Almost everything we have been taught is a lie but I am more interested in the bigger events, the bigger characters, like Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, Napoleon Bonaparte, Edgar Allan Poe, FDR, Eisenhower, or any other character etched in our minds that the system needs us all believing the same narrative, the same story even, though the evidence of these stories is mostly lacking or completely opposite than what has been taught. Some characters in history have been glorified and and made into legends while others have been dragged through the mud and their reputations ruined for all eternity. Like the line from Shakespeare's Caesar "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones." That was a truth drop but that's another story for another day. We see right now the media building up and promoting evil people and tearing down good people. Do you imagine that's not how it was always done? Or if after you are dead, and no longer around to put up a fight, your enemies can create whole myths and legends surrounding you and only the actions and the power of your friends to correct it, stands between you and the permanent record? In the interest of keeping your attention I will try and keep future posts on this series short, sweet and to the point. I make no promises. Some people and events warrant more words but I will do my best. Future posts will focus on one person or event and deconstruct that story enough to at least leave you questioning whether what you have been taught and believed for so long is real. For now let me give you a taste, just a few hints that everything you have taught about American History or World History, is mostly wrong.
The first Mystery of History will be on Edgar Allan Poe (I will get it posted soon). He was the polar opposite of what you have been told and you have to ask yourself why? I will leave you with a clue that might explain why they tarnished his brand....just a quote from his book Eureka.... The purpose of this post is to get you to understand something.....all we really know is THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US... Everyone knows about the Tuskegee Experiment but very few know the full scope of it or the gory details. Here are some brief facts about Tuskegee and then I'm going to tell you about other experiments our government has done on the unsuspecting.
The CDC was so adamant these men not receive treatment they made sure they never sought treatment elsewhere, which would have seen them treated for the disease and mess up their study.... This study was led by the CDC, conducted with the all black university Tuskegee, and the doctors (some of them were black in order to gain their trust) all knew about the gory details. Also keep in mind the victors write history, whatever we think we know about Tuskegee we can all but guarantee they minimized what they actually did and how many actually suffered. I'll leave Tuskegee with these fliers the CDC produced. Pay attention to the one on the left that names the Surgeon General in 1938. He was Surgeon General in 1938 and served in that position until 1948. He oversaw the Tuskegee Experiment....but I'm sure the CDC would never do this again right? Now lets talk about some horrific experiments done on unsuspecting citizens you have never heard about...
This test was one of at least 239 experiments conducted by the military in a 20-year "germ warfare testing program" that went on from 1949 to 1969. These experiments that used bacteria to simulate biological weapons were conducted on civilians without their knowledge or consent. That stands in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, which stipulates that "voluntary, informed consent" is required for research participants. The people who conducted these experiments claimed the bacterial species was harmless but they are all considered pathogens now.
Green Run was a secret Air Force experiment that released Hanford’s largest single dose of radioactive iodine-131. On the night of December 2, 1949, at the behest of the military, scientists at Hanford let 7,000 to 12,000 curies of iodine-131 into the air, where it rode the wind as far as 200 miles. For a sense of scale, the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident released an estimated 15 to 24 curies of iodine-131 and the Chernobyl accident 35 million to 49 million curies.
Patients were told that they were receiving a "treatment" that might cure their cancer, but the Pentagon was trying to determine the effects of high levels of radiation on the human body. One of the doctors involved in the experiments was worried about litigation by the patients. He referred to them only by their initials on the medical reports. He did this so that, in his words, "there will be no means by which the patients can ever connect themselves up with the report", in order to prevent "either adverse publicity or litigation".[96]
During the decade of 2000–2010, artificial blood was transfused into research subjects across the United States without their consent by Northfield Labs.[181] Later studies showed the artificial blood caused a significant increase in the risk of heart attacks and death. I haven't even listed half of the experiments. Our government has done tons of experiments on our military and on prisoners unbeknownst to them. You have heard of some of them....Agent Orange, the Anthrax Vaccine, but there's literally dozens of them, Winding up this post with the reminder that they don't really care about us and you need to remember this when as you watch this unprecedented campaign to get everyone to take the Covid jab. They are telling you it is safe and effective and free...there's a reason black people are the least trusting of this vaccine. They remember would do well to understand they have done Tuskegee like experiments on all kinds of people and as recently as 2010. Proceed accordingly.... So much of History has been rewritten or simply lost altogether. Today we can literally watch them rewrite history's something to behold but it's also something be aware of regarding everything you have been told your whole life....not just about history... what you have been told about everything under the sun....including the sun...but that's another post for another day. When you realize Ephesian's 6:10-20 is literally trying to prepare you for battle in this realm and in the spiritual realm you begin to understand how "wiles of the devil" have been somewhat successful in thwarting God's children from reaching their full potential. The devil uses his minions on earth to keep you from knowing how spiritual our existence is. And so it has been with the 'Ancient Dominion" of Virginia, also known as 'Old Dominion' or 'The Plantation of the Lord'. There was a Covenant made with God back in 1607 on April 26th with Protestant Robert Hunt leading the prayer. When you research this event, most sources do not mention the deeply spiritual founding of Virginia. They tell us Virginia was nicknamed Old Dominion, because the Virginia Company which led the expedition to the new world had favor and loyalty to the King....King James. What they don't tell you is that King James granted the charter to the Virginia Company whose main goal was to spread the gospel to the new colony and thereafter to the world. King James declared..... We greatly commend and graciously accept their desires for the furtherance of so noble a work, which may, by the providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the glory of His Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God and may in time bring the infidels and savages living in those parts to human civility and a settled, quiet government. "A settled, quiet government" ....wouldn't that be nice....but I digress..... The settlers landed at Jamestown on April 26th, 1607, and three days later they erected on the shore the one item they had brought with them from England...a seven foot oak cross. The first formal prayer service was held declaring "…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World, but the entire world.” As we move forward in these uncertain times where nothing seems real and evil is glorified while good is called evil let's remember that we fight not against flesh and blood and that we have the power to overcome the "wiles of the devil". DOMINION here is the Lord's. Our ancestors declared this land the Lord's plantation.....the "Ancient Dominion" is ours by right...there is power in joining our prayers with the Covenant Robert Hunt prayed over this land over four hundred years ago. There is power through the synergy of the ages (yes that's from Dutch Sheets), joining our prayers wit a covenant long since declared can release more spiritual energy from the Kingdom of Heaven than we can do on our own....because we are not alone...we are all in this together whether most of us know it or not. The Union of our ancestors and the current inhabitants of America in covenantal prayer over our land will unleash the Holy Spirit to fight for us in ways we could never have imagined. Will you join me in this covenantal prayer for our nation? When they prayed this they ended by asking all those who come here to inhabit to join them in this let's join them....
May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant.” Jamestown Settlers Covenant Dedication, 1607 |
Yvonne Burton...there is no collection of's just me. Archives
November 2022