In 1976 Gerald Ford went on national TV and showed the country he was a good citizen by getting a fast-tracked vaccine for a virus they scared everyone into thinking was the same strain from the 1918 Spanish Flu.
Sound familiar? How many of you are going to sign up for that fast-tracked Coronavirus vaccine? What could go wrong?
"Ford raced to come up with a response, consulting with Jonas Salk and Alfred Sabin, the scientists behind the polio vaccine, and in late March he announced an audacious plan for the federal government to both produce the vaccine and organize its distribution.“No one knows exactly how serious this threat could be,” Ford said, with Salk and Sabin by his side, a shocking sight given the two scientists had become enemies over who should get credit for the polio vaccine. “Nevertheless we cannot afford to take a chance with the health of our nation.
”Every American, Ford said, would be vaccinated."
As a side note, 1976 was the year Congress would pass immunity laws for manufacturers of vaccines.
"As tests progressed, more scientific problems emerged — even as there were few, if any, signs that a pandemic was materializing. "
Testing Testing Testing! Last month media was reporting that the vaccine trials for Coronavirus might not be able to finish because of a lack of patients. That's some pandemic. Manufacturers having trouble coming up with enough guinea pigs for their vaccine trials would indicate perhaps, like 1976, this might not be the pandemic we were all sold. Never mind the fact that the manufacturers themselves are the ones who perform the studies to confirm the safety of their vaccines which are immune from lawsuits. Anyone see the problem here?
In 1976 President Ford vowed that every man, woman, and child would be vaccinated. Fourty Five million would be vaccinated but within months sporadic deaths and cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome popped up paralyzing around five hundred people.
That fiasco would end up being called the Pandemic That Never Was.
There's another fiasco brewing with the rush for a Coronavirus vaccine so when I read this article from The Guardian alarm bells went off. Warning of serious brain disorders in people with mild coronavirus symptoms.
(Fun Fact: Article is written by Ian SAMPLE and he quotes a researcher by the name of David STRAIN lol)
"UK neurologists publish details of mildly affected or recovering Covid-19 patients with serious or potentially fatal brain conditions"
The article goes on to mention several different neurological conditions they are seeing in recovering COVID-19 patients, one of which is....wait for it....Guillain Barre Syndrome which is an immune reaction that attacks the nerves and causes paralysis and in some cases death.
"The full range of brain disorders caused by Covid-19 may not have been picked up yet, because many patients in hospitals are too sick to examine in brain scanners or with other procedures. “What we really need now is better research to look at what’s really going on in the brain,” Zandi said.
One concern is that the virus could leave a minority of the population with subtle brain damage that only becomes apparent in years to come. This may have happened in the wake of the 1918 flu pandemic, when up to a million people appeared to develop brain disease."
Interestingly enough they skipped over the 1976 Pandemic that never was and its connections with Guillain Barre Syndrome and go all the way back to the Spanish Flu of 1918 by saying "this may have happened" back then too. There is NOTHING definitive in this article of fear porn.
"may be"
"does appear"
"may not have been"
"could leave"
"may have happened"
"appeared to be"
"could be subtle effects"
Are they laying the groundwork for the dangerous side effects that will surely come from any fast-tracked vaccine?
"The cases add to concerns over the long-term health effects of Covid-19"
Can you see how this all plays out and when the Guillain Barre Syndrome starts popping up they can then blame it on the long term effects from COVID-19 not the fast-tracked vaccine that follows the story line that seems to happen every few decades because people don't know their history? Oral Polio vaccines and the Rabies vaccines have both had problems with people developing Guillain Barre Syndrome. What is it with with GBS and vaccines?
A lot of people don't realize that there were many vaccines rolled out in 1918 for the Spanish Flu pandemic. Hundreds of thousands were given to our men in the military fighting in WWI. There's a lot of young military age men they claim died from the Spanish Flu. How do we know they didn't die from the vaccines?
I'll leave with you with this Reuter's article fact checking claims related to this topic.
False claim: the 1918 influenza pandemic was caused by vaccines
Knowing what you know now about fake news and learning that most of your history is even faker, read it with an open mind. Reuter's says a vaccine for the flu did not exist at the time. Technically maybe, but there were several experimental vaccines being rolled out and if Reuter's is wrong about that why believe anything else they have written here.
"Many vaccines were developed and used during the 1918–1919 pandemic. The medical literature was full of contradictory claims of their success; there was apparently no consensus on how to judge the reported results of these vaccine trials. The result of the vaccine controversy was both a further waning of confidence in Pfeiffer's bacillus as the agent of influenza and the emergence of an early set of criteria for valid vaccine trials."
Hegelian Dialectic - 1st they create the problem then they come up with the solution to the problem which ends up in giving them more power and money than before...Anthony Fauci knows a little something about the Hegelian Dialectic