You are under attack!
Elite globalists, corrupt elected officials and bureaucrats, opportunistic elected officials and bureaucrats who feed off the current status quo, 'main stream media' and many others we the people have probably never heard of are out with a vengeance to do whatever it takes to bring you down.
Trillions of dollars are at stake. The swamp will not drain quietly. Nor did we expect it to. You even read The Snake which is why a lot of us were dumbfounded when you hired some snakes into your garden.
We know that you are a fighter. We know that you left the comforts of a very good life to make America great again and a lot of us jumped on the Trump Train when ALL 16 other candidates were still in the race.(You can go back and read the tweets to see who was loyal from the beginning) We are the loyal troops you need in this war to drain the swamp but we are left wandering the fields of social media trying to put out the fires your communications team doesn't seem capable of doing or isn't concerned with doing.
The status quo of operations in the swamp is to hire 'professionals' with their colorful credentialed resumes that mean absolutely nothing in today's age of information. The status quo of yesterday's playbook was to hire those with degrees usually privileged elite insiders who had the power to raise money which usually determined whether you won an election or not.
This election proved that old playbook dead in the water though the establishment still can't wrap their brains around that.
The MAGA wing of the Republican Party worked 24/7 to get u you elected, the GOPe not so much, yet none of the people who were in the trenches fighting for you have been hired to work in your administration. (Yes we love Kellyanne, Bannon, and Stephen Miller but they couldn't have done this without us)
Look, I know it would be unheard of to go out and find the social media masters of influence who may not have the Harvard or Yale degrees, or even have a degree at all, or the elite connections typically required to get these positions but this is much like the horse and buggy days.
The establishment are the horse and buggy. Social media, like Twitter are the automobiles. Some accounts are more effective/influential than others.
Social media is just another mode of communications. What's the difference between hiring some 'professional' communications major who has aspired to work in D.C. all his life or some nobody from the heartland who understands the power and influence of social media and how to make a tweet go viral or how to go on offence creating news cycles instead of always playing defense against the 'MSM' who are nothing more than the propaganda branch of the Uniparty?
WINNING! That's the difference. Because of the nature of social media, your communications team doesn't even need to live anywhere near the swamp. Your most loyal and effective troops are out here wandering aimlessly, still trying to have your back, but left feeling suckerpunched when Never Trumpers are hired into your administration.
During campaign season when you were under attack by fake news story after fake news story after fake news story, who beat the 'MSM' at their own game and helped you come out on top when they were reading your obituary as if you were dead and gone? That happened at least 3 times that I can remember.
It wasn't the GOP. It wasn't the Never Trumper's who would have given us Hillary if they had had their way. It wasn't the lame stream media who will NEVER treat you with the respect you deserve and it wasn't Russian bots.
It was us Sir! It was Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Bill Mitchell, Ali, Baked Alaska, Lauren Southern, Brittney Pettibone, and many more plus smaller accounts like mine (_yvonneburton), who worked our butts off...for free I might add...because we believe in you Mr. President.
I know several on that list would not and perhaps could not work for you but there is a talent pool out here in the heartland that is ready and willing to have your back and be much more effective than the communications team you currently have assembled. They aren't doing you any favors Sir, no matter how decent they maybe.
It's time to dump the horse and buggy playbook of yesterdays politics and create the talented citizen seal team that I'm guessing with about 10 smart, creative, and so loyal to you individuals that they would work for free and the main stream would never know what hit them until they were doing a 60 minutes interview 6 months after the fact trying to pick up the broken pieces of their broken empire.
The potential energy out here to quash the dark forces who want to bring you down is ready to do what needs to be done. You only need say the word.
It's a new day Mr. President. You can create the new playbook for strategies of winning in the age of information after WON! Start acting like it and stop hiring people who communicate your message as fast and effective as a horse and buggy when you have a talent pool out here with the potential to be as fast and effective as a Lamborghini.
The ball is in your court Sir.
Your new 'friends' aren't doing you any favors, some of them are intentionally sabotaging you...tell them you're fired!
P.S. We are the MAGA wing of the party who is fighting desperately to help you Make America Great Again!