Please see the 1st 2 exposés for further reading
- Who Is The Real Bill Hagerty (Bill served as an economic advisor and White House Fellow under President George W. Bush. Hagerty's street cred within the D.C. swamp goes way back. In 2008 he served as national finance chairman in the Mitt Romney presidential campaign. No need to take a shower yet, it gets worse.....)
- Who Is The Real Bill Hagerty Part 2 (Bill Hagerty is receiving most of his money from the Big Club)
The Chamber of Commerce endorsement might have been something to brag about 20 years ago.
Bill Hagerty tweeted out a link to a Tennessean article about the Chamber of Commerce endorsing him for Senate.....
An excerpt from the article...
Announcing the endorsement, chamber CEO Thomas Donohue praised Hagerty as someone has a "proven track record of leading responsibly" and supporting good policies.
Bill has a "proven track record of leading responsibly" they say. Bill supported and was a delegate for Jeb Bush for president. When that fell through he jumped on l'il Marco's bandwagon. Only after Trump clinched the nomination did Bill become MAGA. He served in the Bush administration and was finance chairman for Mitt Romney's campaign for president. That's what the Chamber means by "proven track record". Bill is the ultimate insider which is why he THINKS bragging about the Chamber's endorsement is a good thing.
It isn't and we will make him wear this badge of dishonor all the way to Dr. Manny's victory. You can vote for the MAGA candidate who is an actual outsider endorsed by Senator Rand Paul or you can endorse the ultimate insider, Bill Hagerty, who is endorsed by ex-Governor Bill Haslam, Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell, and now the Chamber of Commerce.
This article from the Bangor Daily News last April is also interesting. US Chamber of Commerce wants to disentangle its brand from the GOP
Do you see it now? Do you see why we call him #PhonyBill?
P.S. For the next installment of Who Is The Real Bill Hagerty I'm just going to leave you with a few tweets...