Two things can be true at the same time.....there is a contagious virus making its way around the globe (whether man-made or a Chinese bioweapon) and we did not need to kill the American economy in response to this virus.
The powers that be sold us a state of fear that has been used by governors and mayors all over this country to exert power over the people not given to them in the constitution. Government went from telling us we have to shutdown the country and practice “social distancing” except for “essential” workers to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed. Our hospitals have been nowhere near overwhelmed meanwhile hospital workers have been busy sharing Tik Tok (China owns Tik Tok) dancing videos hoping to go viral. Private practice healthcare doctors and nurses are being furloughed due to the lack of business because it seems all we care about anymore is if there aren’t a million and one other ways to die.
Small businesses and workers alike are being killed off every minute of this shutdown and we now know the models used by Dr. Fauci and the World Health Organization were never accurate and only used to induce a panic the likes we have never seen before.
Red state governors followed their blue state governors in shutting down their states regardless of how little their state was effected by COVID19 . There have been fewer COVID19 deaths than the flu. The death count totals for COVID19 can’t be trusted either because they are counting everything they can as a COVID19 death because there are money incentives to do so.
We have governors who were supposed to govern, not chairman who rule like Red China. Some of our so-called Republican leaders are going to need to be instructed to do the right thing. You are going to have to call them....tweet at them on Facebook. They need to hear from the people every which way that we can. Ohio and Michigan are already seeing large protests and we expect to see more of that all over the country but if these governors don’t feel the heat, they will continue exerting power they don’t have that is only going to hurt more and more people. There is no reason Ohio, TN, or MS needs to remain shut down even a day longer.
We are quickly headed to a Great Depression era unemployment numbers and if we don’t open these states for business we may not recover from this for a very long time.
Please make contact with these governors and tell your friends to do the same. We need all hands on deck. They work for us...sometimes they need to be reminded of that.
- Governor Bill Lee TN - (615) 741-2001
- Governor Tate Reeves MS - 601-359-3150
Twitter - @TateReeves
Email - [email protected]
- Governor Mike DeWine OH - (614) 644-4357