Rep. Charles “Last Term” Sargent avoided political execution by the thinnest of margins last Thursday. For that he should be happy, but one would never know it to listen to him.
According to multiple sources, Sargent was fuming that someone had the temerity to oppose him in a fair and open election.
“There’s gonna be repercussions. I’m going to get those who made me go through this. I will run [Steve] Gawrys out of the county.” Sargent allegedly said in front of several people at his election night party.
Go after them for what, Chuck? Actually having to work to get re-elected? Actually having to stand before the voters and ask them to let you keep your job?
Just how arrogant can one politician be?
And making public threats to run someone out of the county is just stupid.
If the voters remember Sargent’s ugly behavior in 2014, he will be just a memory in 2016.