Before Monday’s meeting of the Shelby County Commission, reporters — and at least one Commissioner — had jested that the new version of the Shelby County Commission might be controversy-free and therefore on the dull side.
Wrong. To judge by Monday’s meeting, the 2014-15 Commission might be even more gridlocked than the previous Commission, which bickered more or less constantly and remained mired in disagreement most of the time.
Only this time it could be worse. It is hard to imagine the Commission being able to operate successfully without the membership and leadership of its various committees being set, and it is equally hard to see how that more or less routine expectation being met, given the deadlock that materialized unexpectedly on Monday.
By two votes of 7 to 5 (Republican Commissioner George Chasm was absent), the Commission refused to approve the appointments to committee, boards, and commissions made by Justin Ford, the Democrat who was elected Commission chair at the previous meeting.
Read the story here but Heidi Sums it up in one sentence...
GOP member Heidi Shafer had a theory, however. “Isn’t it funny that the two members who wanted to be chairman but failed to get it are trying to block the appointments of the member who did get it?”