The United States Department of Education receives final approval from the U.S. Congress to become the 13th US Cabinet agency.
The Department of Education...not in existence until 1979. We are going on 35 years....with what to show for it? Smarter students? Not hardly?
It started with a budget of about 14.5 billion in 1979 and in 2013 it was almost 70 billion? What do we have to show for it but students who aren't prepared for life in general, much less college? Somehow we educated students on the state and local level before the this department was created...without a federal tyrannical octopus with it's tentacles all the decisions that are best made on a local level.
In light of the failure of this department, isn't it time we end this bureaucracy of failure and return control to the state and local level. Forget Common Core, No Child Left Behind or any other failed program that would be best left to the teachers, parents, and citizens in our local communities. Bigger isn't better and the next generation is being left behind...
There are many departments in the government that need to be abolished...this one is in my top three...