NASHVILLE, TN, July 18, 2014 – State Supreme Court Justices Clark, Lee and Wade today held a hastily called press conference to distance themselves from Attorney General Cooper’s refusal to fight Obamacare and Wade’s comment on Wednesday that it was “the right decision for the taxpayer but yes, there is a mix of politics and legal assessments by our attorney general.” According to the constitution, the Supreme Court chooses the Attorney General.
“Tennessee is a conservative state with a very liberal Supreme Court,” said Susan Kaestner, head of the Tennessee Forum. “Tennesseans overwhelmingly reject Obamacare and any public official who supports it. Cooper’s actions and Wade’s words put them on the opposite side of Tennesseans. The Supreme Court must stand before Tennesseans in this election – as required by our constitution – and defend their liberal record.”
A statewide television advertising campaign naming the State Supreme Court as the most liberal place in Tennessee and asking voters to replace Justices Gary Wade, Sharon Lee and Connie Clark has been launched by The Tennessee Forum, a nonprofit issues-driven group founded in 2000 focused on improving state government.
“The most liberal place in our state is not a college campus and not a big city; it’s the Tennessee Supreme Court because the liberal justices do not reflect the values of Tennesseans,” said Kaestner. “The liberal Supreme Court chose Bob Cooper to be AG and he refused to defend Tennessee against Obamacare.”