read the whole thing, it's not that long but key points below...
Fact is, there are all different types of people, but for the purpose of this discussion, lets look at what I see as the biggest basic difference between us and the left, and it has to do with what drives people. What gets their motor running, what's their motivation, what really resonates with them? On our side, intellect rules the roost. Read any of the political threads here. You'll see different people passionately disagreeing with each other, but it tends to be disagreement of a rather bloodless sort. We're like a bunch of engineers trying to solve a technical problem. One person says of course we should do X because A,B and C always add up to more than D; another counters no, M, Q and F have been shown to produce K, so we must do Y. We're trying to solve the problem, because it is a problem
The left, OTOH, runs on pure emotion. Something makes them feel intensely, and their reaction is centered around dealing with that feeling. They may try to attack the problem that caused that particular feeling, and they may succeed in solving it, but the problem itself wasn't what got them off their asses to try, it was the need to alleviate or satisfy the feeling that the problem stirred in themselves. So which way is superior?
We're all human beings, and we all operate on both an intellectual and an emotional plain at all times. They're intertwined. You can't function without both. You may be able to tell me in great detail and with great logic why you should give your wife a bowling ball named Homer for your anniversary, and I may agree with you, but you'll still be sleeping on the couch. Your wife might paint flowers on your '69 Camaro that are so beautiful that everyone who sees them literally claps their hands and laughs for joy, but she'll be out in the driveway tomorrow with a can of rubbing compound and a buffing rag if she wants to stay married. Everything we do, every day, is a balance between intellect and motion.
So how does this translate to politics? Progs aren't stupid because they see the picture of a 10 year old Honduran child dying of thirst in a Texas desert and react "We've got to do something for that poor child!" Conservatives aren't heartless because they see the same picture and think "We have to enforce the border!" We both see a problem: dying child. We both have a solution: They want to scoop up the child, give her water and shelter and clothing-problem solved, and everybody feels great about it. We want to give her water and shelter, but we also want to close the border so the coyotes never get the chance to bring that child to that desert, because That child shouldn't be there in the first place-problem prevented from happening again.