Enter the New Right. The New Right is not to be confused with the old right and a lot of people in power do not like this new movement. They are smart, determined, and powerful mainly because we fight. We push back against the march of progressivism instead of just talking about it or writing about it.
Therefore we must be destroyed. The left through the MSM is desperately trying to paint President Trump as a white nationalist and his followers too. That's why they are holding this rally tomorrow in Tennessee.
The left wants another Charlottsville so they can use it as a tool against Trump. Even though the President had nothing to do with Charlottsville and even though none of his supporters had anything to do with it either.
The media loves them some white supremacists or else why would they cover them every chance they get. There was a white nationalist rally this past weekend where about 20 people showed up. There were more journalists there than actual white supremacists so why cover them unless you have another agenda?
White supremacists are few and far between. The New Right is who they really fear because they are the new counter culture and they are winning everywhere you turn. Don't be deceived. When you see coverage this weekend of white supremacists in TN ask yourself this....Through the JFK Files release, we know there were 40 journalists who were actually CIA when JFK was killed, how many "journalists" attending this event tomorrow and how many people attending this rally as white supremacists are actually CIA informants/agents?
Probably more than we care to know....