and here is a link to the agenda
They will be appointing committee chairs so that will be interesting...and then they will spend, spend, spend and then they will spend some more...of your money. Things like ...
- 50,000 for the salary & fringe benefits for a "Peer Recovery Specialist" whose main job will be to do
- An initial resolution authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds and General Obligation School Board of Shelby County, Tennessee, in the aggregate maximum principal amount of not to exceed One Hundred Twenty Million Dollars ($120,000,000), to be issued in one or more series, to finance or refinance public works projects in Shelby County (I don't know a lot about this one, I do know it's a lot of money and I will hopefully find out what the details are for this pot of taxpayer gold)
- 29,000,000 million and some change for the WIC (Women Infant & Children) know cuz you don't need a real daddy to just need a government daddy sucking the life out of the taxpaying producers to fund the lack of daddies in the home. I would just like to say, I think that Daddy's are critical in the family equation and 29,000,000 million something and some change proves my point.
- 80,000 & 40,000 and some change for something called Chronic Disease Management and School Health Promotion Services...This is one of those things that sounds really fantastic when you read it but I am not so sure about the real physical results not to this what you envisioned your government taking part in? Oh and you don't have to be a resident in Shelby County to receive the can just be "VISITING"...
- 128,000 something and some change for the Headstart program which is just a drop in the bucket for the total amount of money that goes to this program which the Obama administration's own Dept of Health & Human Services study in 2010 showed no difference for students who had been in the program from those who hadn't by the 3rd grade. It's a blackhole but if you argue against this well then...why do you hate children?
Should be an interesting day, why not come on down and see your government at work...after are paying for it...
Keeping Up With The Kommissioners soon to follow...