The Secretary of State’s unofficial results Friday morning showed DesJarlais, a South Pittsburg physician, capturing 34,787 votes to Tracy’s 34,752, a 35-vote margin.
The unofficial results on the state’s website do not include provisional ballots, which are to be counted over the next few days, according to the Secretary of State’s office.
The Associated Press still had not called a winner in the race Friday morning.
Tracy made a victory speech around 10 p.m. Thursday, claiming a win before late results came in that pushed DesJarlais ahead of him by 35 votes.
Can we not all agree that a man that cheats on his wife, as a doctor, has the affair with one of his patients and then encourages her to have an abortion while claiming to be a Republican who believes in good old fashion values is probably not the best representative for the party? It's not our place to judge him, that's between him and God, but representing the people as one of our leaders? Can we not ask for better, can we not hold our leaders accountable for their actions?
Please, for all the love that is good and sacred, let this turn out in favor of Jim Tracy....