During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Rouhani said, “Today’s anti-Westernism is the offspring of yesterday’s colonialism; today’s anti-Westernism is a reaction to yesterday’s racism,” according to a live translation. “Certain intelligence agencies have put blades in the hands of madmen who now spare no one.”
“All those who have played a role in founding and supporting these terrorist groups must acknowledge their errors, which have led to extremism,” he continued.
Although what Rouhani says here, I believe is correct, that doesn't negate the fact that IRAN is at the center of Radical Islam and some reporter needs to ask him about the Caliphate. As with Bin Laden in the 80's, we are arming and training the future terrorists who will mete out God knows what on America in the future...We are repeating the exact same mistakes of the past...at some point, you have to wonder if they are mistakes? or intentional acts of treason....
Read the rest here...