The winner of the special election in November will serve the two years remaining on Kyle’s Senate term of office.
“This is a tough race,” Flinn told Republican leaders at the East Memphis meeting in Clark Tower. “We are underdogs. But that’s never stopped us before (US???YOU mean you and your continually losing candidacy for whatever position strikes your fancy) . … We’ve got a good chance.”
The district is predominantly Democratic. But Flinn, who ran this summer ( and every other summer since 2002 losing in all of them despite spending his own wealth to fund his campaigns...hat tip to Mr. Flinn...if you spend more than 2 million dollars on one election and all you can manage is 31% of the vote you might be a loser or at least contemplate the fact that your money can't buy you love or votes...) in the statewide U.S. Senate primary challenging incumbent Senator Lamar Alexander and finished third, said there are undecided voters who could tip the balance and add another Senate seat in Nashville to the Republican super majority in that chamber.
Read the whole thing here...