I find this mind numbingly stupid on a couple of levels. First, let me be clear that I am talking about the Judeo-Christian God, that's always their target. If someone worships Gaia, well, you're praying to a rock, good luck. Try Islam, they go in for that kind of thing too and they have those snazzy burqas to boot. From the standpoint of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition, the foundation of the whole thing is faith, which is a belief without proof. It always amuses me when I see believers trying to "prove" God's existence, it puts me in the mind of the scene in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where the babel fish is introduced:
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.""But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED." "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. "Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white, and gets killed on the next zebra crossing.
"Proving" God's existence would invalidate the religion that said proof was sought to defend, but some people try anyway (tell me again that God doesn't have a wicked sense of humor).
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