llegal immigration protesters in Boston came out in droves on Saturday in a public outcry against Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s decision to offer shelter in the state to unaccompanied minors.
While there is not an official count of protesters who gathered on Boston’s Beacon Hill yesterday, it’s estimated to have been around 10,000 citizens in opposition to Patrick’s decision, according to Jeff Kuhner, host of WRKO’s The Kuhner Report.
The sheer number of attendees serves to demonstrate American’s general opinion on the immigration issue. “I’ve been to a lot of rallies on Beacon Hill. This is by far the largest I’ve seen,” Bree Sison of Boston’s WBZ-TV tweeted. Kuhner added to that same sentiment saying, “I’ve never seen any kind of a backlash like this before on any issue ever. People in this state are livid. They feel betrayed by the political elite.”
Oh wow look at all these racists in Boston(sarc)...