Hi, everybody. American leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world. (Constant? Constant what? Constant whipping boy? Constant leadership on unsustainable debt? Constant leadership on how to fundamentally transform the greatest country in the world one that is on the road to serfdom? Constant leadership on how to persecute citizens who believe differently than the ruling class? Constant leadership on how to fall for the greatest scam ever pulled on mankind (climate change)? Constant leadership on how the most powerful country in the world is in decline due to it being run by a bunch of college brats that never held a real job in their life and couldn't a lemonade stand successfully if we provided the lemonade? That kind of leadership Mr. I like to lead from behind?) That was true this week, as we mobilized the world to confront some of our most urgent challenges. (Hmmm Urgent challenges you say...like the Radical Muslim problem the WHOLE world is facing but you and no one in your administration can even bring yourselves to say the words? Sun Tzu wrote a book about you...it's called the Art of War...you should read it)
America is leading the world in the fight to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL.(Hmmm terrorist group you say...can you say RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS? No you can't boys and girls because this administration has a policy on that and policies are more important to this president than reality. And ISIL??? CAN YOU FREAKING STOP CALLING THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO BE CALLED OR ARE YOU SENDING OUT A SIGNAL THAT YEAH ISIL I HAVE YOUR BACK AND WE DON'T CARE MUCH FOR ISRAEL EITHER!?) On Monday, our brave men and women in uniform (the ones you gave a Latte salute too? Those brave men and women you have so little respect for?) began air strikes against ISIL (ISIS, there fixed it for you) targets in Syria. And they weren’t alone. I made it clear that America would act as part of a broad coalition, and we were joined in this action by friends and partners, including Arab nations. At the United Nations in New York, I worked to build more support for this coalition; to cut off terrorist financing (Like QATAR??? WHO OWN HARROD'S AND IS THE BIGGEST FUNDER OF ISIS?); and to stop the flow of foreign fighters into and out of that region. (Yeah but those same foreign fighters...wait a minute...did you just call them foreign fighters??? OMG What is your problem? FOREIGN FIGHTERS? THEY ARE ALL TERRORISTS, FOREIGN OR NOT, AND YOU ARE LETTING THE AMERICAN TERRORISTS BACK INTO AMERICA...GO FIGURE...) And in my address to the UN, I challenged the world -- especially Muslim communities – to reject the ideology of violent extremism, (kind of hard to do when your holy text...the QURAN calls for smiting the infidels heads wherever you find them....even in Oklahoma...) and to do more to tap the extraordinary potential of their young people.