House Majority Whip Steve Scalise got some help interviewing potential new hires for his press shop from an unlikely source: a federal lobbyist.Quinn Gillespie & Associates John Feehery sat in on and participated in multiple official interviews with job candidates last month for the new majority whips press operation. Scalise has not yet announced who he will name as his communications director.
[Scalise Spokesman T.J.] Tatum wrote in an email: The office met with and sought the advice of many current and former members of House leadership and their staff to gauge best practices while building up the Whip operation. John Feehery is a well-respected former senior House leadership communications aide whom the office has previously contracted with to provide media training. The office has only ever sought his advice and opinion as a communications professional with many years of House leadership experience.
Let's review Feehery's history as a "communications aide" to House Leadership...he was Speaker Denny Hasteret's spokesman. Yes Team GOP, by all means let us return to the glory days of Hasteret's speakership. You know, the one that ended with the GOP being wiped out in 2006. But don't worry, he only came to that job after working for Haley Barbour's lobbying firm.
So just out of curiousity, why is the "conservative" member of the House leadership team consulting with a guy who worked for a moderate Republican Speaker who is a self-described "bi-partisan super lobbyist", who longs for the good old days when Republicans would "fall in line" and insists the GOP needs to continue to embrace crony capitalism?
Oh and he thinks the TEA party "must be crushed".
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