Results from Riverside Drive public meeting surveys show support is split
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Wednesday, the City of Memphis showed proof that just as many people support changes to Riverside Drive as oppose it. (Ummm 21 against...17 for...are you guys using that new Common Core math?)(Also, 50 attended this meeting....FIFTY out of a city that has over 600,000 citizens...if that's what you call public input, I have some land I can sell you for your Loosahatchie Bridge over troubles waters...)
In June, the city closed half the road for bicyclists and runners without asking anyone what they thought.
At the end of July, about 50 people showed up to a public meeting on Riverside to let the city know what they think of the changes.
The mood showed the majority against closing half the road, but the city said the numbers tell a different story.
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