The Obama administration long ago cultivated a sense among its defenders that lingering American racism inspires most of its critics, but it was Obama’s supporters in the press who elevated the practice of accusing conservatives of racial animus to farcical virtuosity.
It was Obama’s boosters in the liberal blogosphere, many of whom found microphones for their agitation on networks like MSNBC, who invented the art of detecting “dog whistle” racism. For those unfamiliar, this is the ability to decode supposed appeals to racial solidarity that only a professional can ascertain. While these coded claims are rarely perceived by their alleged targets, they are easily identified by our modern augurs.
The instinct among Obama supporters to invent imagined racism and denounce it with a fervor equal to that of the inquisitors evolved into parody during the 2012 election. Words like “golf,” “apartment”, “Chicago,” and “urban” became synonyms for African-Americans and for President Obama, thus rendering any subject of discussion including those words base and scornful.
As is the carnival barker’s wont, the sequel to this act had to be even grander, more spectacular than the last. So words like “PGA tour,” “angry,” “kitchen cabinet,” and “IRS” were added to the mix of words which only a professional “dog whistle” detector could assess to be signals designed to activate imagined white supremacist sleeper cells.
Read the whole thing but here are the droids Eric Holder has been looking for....
Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Karen Finney, Washington Post racism decoder Jonathan Capehart, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, & Eric Holder...All full of "Racial Animus"
The race card is nothing but a tool to divert attention away from the criticisms that EVERY president in history experiences. By pulling the race card, you don't have to address the arguments and points made by your opponents. The race card shuts down debate. The problem Eric Holder and others like him run into is, there comes a time when the technique no longer works, especially when it is devoid of any real racism.
Eric Holder....The Boy Who Cried Race....
That's all from Top Notch Investigator Oliver Shagnasty...Peace Out Girls Scouts!