why would you want to watch them spend your money away? So that come election time, you will have personal knowledge of what your elected officials have been doing and not what their commercials tell you they have been doing. You can't hold them accountable if you only start paying attention to elections, right before the next election.
Here is a link to the agenda
#2 on the agenda ...
2. RESOLUTION recognizing World Cerebral Palsy Day. What will this do for Cerebral Palsy? Not much but it allows politicians to showboat about how much they care about stuff and look what i did? They will add this to their resume and talk it up during their campaigns. "Look what I did ...I helped create World Cerebral Palsy day." I apologize for my cynicism but after watching the council expend so much energy on things not related to running the city? I get a little cynical about these things.
17. RESOLUTION approving Change No. 4 to Contract No. 11378, Risk
Management Broker, with Marsh, in the funded amount of $325,370.00. (This change is
the fourth and final renewal period for Stop Loss Coverage for Workers’ Compensation
Insurance. This renewal covers the period October 1, 2014 through October 1, 2015 and
reflects a 1.00% increase in rates from the previous year. This increase is due to rising
medical costs and the volatility of the excess workers’ compensation coverage which also
drive rate increases.)
This resolution is under the MLGW Consent agenda. The interesting thing here is highlighted...I thought medical costs were supposed to decrease under the new Affordable Health Care Act. Don't hold your breath on that one and you might want to hold on to your pocketbook. Everyone's medical costs are rising, well those of of us who are not getting subsidies from the government that is...
Thought this one was interesting for obvious reasons...
24. ORDINANCE to amend Title 10 – Public Peace, Morals and Welfare, of the City of
Memphis, Code of Ordinances, to implement a Community Notification System for
Sexual Offenders, up for S E C O N D reading.
Conrad Ordinance No. 5567
And this one is your soon to be fee on top of a fine ordinance...only one more reading after this and you will get to have your expensive 100 dollar cake and eat your electronic 5 dollar fine too. Good times people...good times....
25. ORDINANCE to amend Title 11, Chapter 8 – Vehicles and Traffic, of the City of
Memphis, Code of Ordinances, to Incorporate the Issuance of Electronic Traffic
Citations, up for S E C O N D reading.
Conrad Ordinance No. 5568
There are changes regarding City Government pension issues to deal with which should have the chambers packed since the controversy from the cuts to police and fire have not died down. It is good that more people are seeing what is actually going on downtown. There is nothing like the cleansing effect of shining a light in the darkness and it can sometimes be shocking what you will find. The city elections next year are going to be interesting.
Keeping Up With The Kouncilmen soon to follow the meeting....