Council moves forward with $66M Raleigh Springs Mall redevelopment
The Memphis City Council has unanimously approved moving several city offices to the dilapidated Raleigh Springs Mall as part of an urban renewal plan.
While other cities are freezing their Capital Improvements Funds due to the harsh economic plight the country is in, Memphis throws good money down a blackhole just after voting to cut police and fire pensions and healthcare.
If Memphis wants the citizens to respect what they are doing and have us believe that the city is broke so we have to make cuts to our front line workers then they should lead by example. This 66 million isn't just sitting around waiting to be spent. We don't have the money on hand. It is borrowed. Why does Memphis tell it's most important employees that the city can't afford to fund their pensions and healthcare the way they have in the past but then go on to spend money like it grows on trees?
This is very very wrong!