Levin: “They (the GOP and the consultants) trash conservatives as often as they can and whenever they can. And this is the point of the Freeman piece, why would you do that? You got what you wanted, the conservative base is furious. You have the nominees that you want, and yet you stand for nothing except big government statism.”
“What a lot of activist Republicans don’t understand is, most Republicans are not activists. They’re hard-working men and women who want to take care of their families, who love their country. But they’re not gonna just vote because you tell them to vote, or rally because you tell them to rally. Even more than that, why should they?
Why shouldn’t we have a vibrant, forward-looking Republican Party?
Why shouldn’t we have a new Republican Party that excites, that invigorates, that inspires?
Thad Cochran, Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell??? Once this the best you guys can do? How long is too long in D.C? 4 decades, 40 YEARS??? I'm calling time...Enough is enough...the party is obviously not the answer...
Read the whole thing here...