“It’s an honor to accept the role of UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change and to support the Secretary General in his efforts to address one of the most important issues we face as a global community,” said DiCaprio in a statement. “I feel a moral obligation to speak out at this key moment in human history - it is a moment for action. How we respond to the climate crisis in the coming years will likely determine the fate of humanity and our planet.”
Read the story here...
Want to know how you to can be named a "Messenger of Peace"...it's very simple though not cheap...
"In February, DiCaprio pledged a donation of $3 million to marine conservation and followed with an additional $7 million pledge several months later."
"United Nations Messengers of Peace/Goodwill Ambassadors are distinguished individuals (who have paid to play), carefully selected (meaning whoever contributes the most money and looks really pretty on camera) from the fields of art, literature, science, entertainment, sports or other fields of public life, who have agreed to help focus worldwide attention on the work of the United Nations," reads the statementexplaining the selection process on the U.N. site.
Messenger of Peace??? More like the Messenger of Vanity...