Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, along with 18 other Republican senators, voted to confirm Eric Holder in 2009.
Race-card abusing Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress, was confirmed in the U.S. Senate with the help of the support of 19 Republican Senators in 2009.
Holder, who chose not to prosecute New Black Panthers who were caught on tape clearly intimidating voters in 2008, was a bad egg way before the confirmation vote.
From his help in freeing FALN terrorists and approval for pardoning fugitive financier Marc Rich, during the Clinton administration, Holder’s track record is one that shouldn’t have garnered one vote from either party, especially the “opposition” party, the Republicans.
Holder’s scandalous years in the Clinton administration, where he “served” as the U.S. Deputy Attorney General, were followed by even more Anti-American actions, including lying under oath in his attempt to cover-up the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, obstructing justice by refusing to appoint a special prosecutor in the trashing of Americans’ First Amendment rights at the hand of Lois Lerner, to lying about the Obama regime spying on reporters (and many high-profile scandals). Calling the tenure of Eric Holder a train wreck would require an apology to trains.
Nevertheless, these 19 Republicans voted to confirm the treasonous Holder, who feels that criticism of his or Obama’s lawless, unconstitutional acts is based upon the color of their skin
Not to even mention this "who invented the “legal” cover for federal agents to forcibly enter the home of Elian Gonzalez’s legal custodians, American citizens all, so he could be returned to the warm embrace of Castro in communist Cuba."