Let me cover the tax rate issue and then I will return to the series of unfortunate events that has Henri Brooks wishing she had just acted like a civil human being and could take back the water thrown in the face of a citizen who was mad that Henri had taken her parking spot she was in the middle of backing into. Whew! That was a doozy...
Anyways, the tax rate that Mayor Luttrell wanted and Heidi Shafer sponsored, which would equalize the tax rate for all of Shelby County instead of those in rural Shelby County paying 4 cents more, failed. This is not necessarily bad since this was only the 2nd reading and there will be another chance to pass this on July 7th. The gridlock our founding fathers built into the constitution is a good thing, despite the negative connotation to this word. It's a feature, and a beautiful one, not a glitch as some believe.
Mulroy's plan which was to keep the uneven tax rate the same and use 2.8 million from the budget to fund pre-k, you know, because they have done so well with K-12....also failed! Why is Mulroy against equal taxation for citizens? I don't know but you should definitely show up July 7th and ask him that. He will appreciate it as it will give him the chance to bloviate and show off all his lawyer speak. I must warn you though, he is very good at it. Oh sorrow of sorrows, I was sooo heartbroken but they needed 7 votes and could not get this with even Henri Brooks disqualified vote. OK, I did jump the gun there and assume she will be removed for not living in her district but, I digress...
Back to the soap opera meat of this story. The reason I think Henri Brooks will be removed is the nervous and especially urgent talk by the ever so beloved-ran-as-a-conservative-republican-but-never-voting-like-one Mike Ritz and his demand that the seat for Miss-I-don't-have-to-follow-the-rule-because-rules-are-for-the-little-people-and-republicans be filled immediately so her district wouldn't be with out representation. Something tells me if this was Heidi Shafers void seat there, would not be near as much urgency....but once again, I digress...
I am including a link to this news story for those who just can't get enough.... http://bit.ly/1ltibef
Just one more tidbit. I didn't intend on speaking out on anything else but the tax rate but one of my team members alerted me to an ethics committee rules change that Mulroy sponsored. Turns out, Mulroy(who is an attorney) wanted the number of citizens on the committee to be reduced from 8 to 5 and the number of lawyers or individuals with a Juris Doctorate degree to increase from 5 to 8. What a guy! Always looking out for the little guy. If by little guy you mean elite and highly educated. Wow! I did ask why, when public trust in government is at an all time low and the public feels disenfranchised by elitists,lobbyists, and lawyers making back room deals would you want to decrease citizen involvement with their government and increase the number of lawyers as if we don't have enough of their kind already. In true Lawyer form, he did what any lawyer would do when confronted with a losing argument, he didn't say a word.
Mr. Mulroy, Attorney at Law, in the infamous words of Arnold Schwarzenegger "I'll Be Back!" and next time, I'm not leaving til the cows come home, or until he answers my question.
Please go to this next meeting with me, I should not be the only one having this much fun and next time is sure to be more exciting than this one...
Stay tuned...