As a food blogger and healthy food enthusiast, I’ve cultivated a list of time-saving measures over the years that save me time and money, while allowing me to prepare meals with fresh, quality ingredients.
While these kitchen hacks are now second-nature to me, I’m always reminded that they seem downright bizarre to a visiting houseguest or friend.“Why do you keep ginger and coconut flour in your freezer?” Or “Why do you store onions in lunch bags?” I’ve been frequently asked. Well, friends and family, here are the methods to my madness!
1. The Ginger Secret
I enjoy the convenience of always having fresh, peeled ginger on hand so I can quickly grate it into a sauce, soup, salad or dessert. My “Ginger Secret”entails peeling a couple large pieces of ginger occasionally, breaking them into 1-inch knobs, then placing the pieces into a zip-top bag in the freezer. When I want fresh ginger, I simply grab a peeled knob and grate it – still frozen – using a microplane grater (I use this one) directly into the dish.
2. Keep onions and garlic fresh for months
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