It was interesting to be in the same room with the guy the Republican Party exhausted all of their resources and some from the opposite party to beat. 42,000 democrats. That's what it took to beat back the future of the Republican Party, and make no mistake about it, he is the future, not the 41- years-in-the-Senate-is-just-not-enough-time-to-create-limited-government-policies Thad Cochran.
What was it like hearing from someone the establishment fought so hard to defeat? Refreshing. Like drinking a cold mug of Tecate with lime after spending the afternoon in the hotter than Hades Memphis sun. Refreshing and encouraging to learn that not all politicians speak only in platitudes and approved talking points.
He talked about how so many in this country feel like strangers in their country and I might add, the Republican Party can ignore those people, all the way to whigdom.
He said that the greatest illusion of all time is a great delusion...that government is the way to solve our problems. In their heart, government, including the Republican party doesn't trust you to solve our problems and in order to change things, they would have to give up control.
He noted that he did not need 42,000 democrats to beat Thad, but Thad needed that many to beat him. The media was on Thad's side, Haley Barbor and Michael Bloomberg were on Thad's side. The money was on Thad's side and still they needed to cheat to win.
The party spent 11 million dollars to slander Chris McDaniel and he's still standing. I believe there's a lesson in there somewhere.
He went on to say that at some point, the Republican Party has to decide who they really are. You can't be for limited government while running up a 17 trillion dollar debt. You can't be for limited government and vote for indefinite detention of American citizens through the NDAA. At some point, there is nothing left to compromise...
He ended the speech by offering a challenge...To engage in the system, fight and stand for what you believe in, will you be men and women of judgement, of integrity, of dedication, and that now is not the time for the weak of heart...
So, what are you willing to do? Are you a summer soldier or a sunshine patriot? What are you going to do? What are you willing to do yourself?
To me, the answer to that question is more critical than who wins or loses's more about me and you than it is them....