The full slate of Ninth Circuit judges has thus agreed with a lower district court and with a trio of appellate judges that officials at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Calif. could censor students who wanted to wear flag-emblazoned shirts.
The federal appeals court issued its denial of an en banc hearing on Sept. 17 — Constitution Day.
“No further petitions shall be permitted,” the court ordered.
How many of you know that the legislative branch has the power to dismiss this or any other court, including the Supreme Court. Also, while we are at it, we do not have 3 separate but equal branches of government. It was never even set up to be that way. Guess what the most powerful branch of government is? No, it's not the Presidency (executive branch)...It's the Legislative branch, then the executive, then the judicial branch. Read the constitution and the duties assigned to each branch. You might be surprised. The legislative branch knows this of course, well, some of them but they would not want this to get out because then they might be expected to do something. Despite what anyone thinks, most legislators only want to talk about problems and lay blame or take credit. Heaven forbid they EVER DO THEIR JOB and correct some of these problems. When American students can't wear AMERICAN flag shirts on ANY GIVEN DAY OF THE YEAR, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong....