Governor Chris Christie was in town today to support Lamar Alexander's grand opening of his West Tennessee campaign headquarters. The Midsouth Sentinel was there and noticed while waiting for Governor Christie to appear (35 mins late) that it seemed more like a venue for a celebrity appearance and out in the audience were all his adoring fans.
Has politics become more show than substance? That's a rhetorical question but one worth asking. Do you the citizen, feel like these superstars, oops, I mean elected leaders, are there to protect the constitution they swore to uphold or do you wonder, where have all the good men gone? When an elected official speaks, is it more than platitudes and planks that motivate you the citizen to shout out YEAH! WHAT HE SAID! or do you feel like you are being condescended to by a player that's only playing a part and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo, maintain that power that both parties have over the sheeple who vote for them?
While it was interesting to see and hear Governor Christie, I couldn't help but think that he and all of the others standing there with him (especially Lamar) are part of the system that has brought us to where we are now. It's not a Republican or Democrat thing, it's an elite thing and though as Governor Christie bragged today about not electing "any of those divisive elements" I wonder if by divisive he means principled and isn't principled what we want more of in D.C.? The GOP is quashing any chance from more conservative or tea party types from being elected, but at what cost are they willing to pay for this? What profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?
History repeats, research the Whigs. There are many similarities and the group that overtook them were called Radical Republicans. Radical Republicans were for the abolition of slavery and were opposed by democrats and moderate Republicans. Sound familiar?
At the link below is a link that will show you some of Lamar's votes. The more informed you are, the better decisions you will make come election day....