If you are not yet familiar with this conservative filmmaker, you owe it to yourself to get to know him and his work. His 2012 work “2016: Obama’s America” was very revealing. The teaser for that movie urged viewers to see it whether they love Obama or hate him, while encouraging them to do neither.
After 25 minutes of previews (for mostly lame offerings, but a few seemingly worthwhile ones) and a few commercials, viewers were treated to one hour, forty-five minutes of the indictments critics of traditional American history make, followed by how to answer them by putting them in the proper perspective they never offer.
I must admit that the first thirty minutes or so made me wonder if I would ultimately agree with the premise of the movie, but the remainder confirmed that I would.
D’Souza acquainted moviegoers with names of progressives (liberals) like Howard Zinn (author of “People’s History of the United States”), Noam Chomsky, Saul Alinsky (“Rules for Radicals”, Obama’s playbook to “fundamentally change” (read destroy) the greatest nation on earth), and Bill Ayers (unrepentant terrorist for the Weather Underground).