#EbolaCare: CDC Has New Protocol For Screening Sick Travelers Before They Get On To Planes: Ask Them If They've Recently Traveled to West Africa
Here's your hot new protocol -- added yesterday, October 15th.
Interim Guidance about Ebola Infection for Airline Crews, Cleaning Personnel, and Cargo PersonnelUpdated October 15, 2014
CDC requests airline crews to ask sick travelers if they were in Guinea, Liberia, or Sierra Leone in the last 21 days.
If YES, AND they have any of these Ebola symptoms--fever, severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or unexplained bruising or bleeding--report immediately to CDC.
If NO, follow routine procedures.
The protocol of asking if an already-identified "sick" airplane traveler has been to West Africa was just instituted yesterday.
Before yesterday, this was not part of the "multilayered screening" (as Josh Earnest called it) to keep out ebola carriers.
There's more, too. We learned yesterday that the CDC told the second infected nurse, Amber Vinson, it was okay to fly, because her first ebola symptom -- a fever -- was only 99.5. Apparently it's the CDC's protocol that only fevers of 100.4 count as suggesting "high risk."
Read the rest here...