“At the United Nations last week, delegates wore buttons that said: Isolate patients, not countries(OMG we are being governed by sound bites...does anyone know how to think anymore?),” Frieden wrote. “The only way to stop the epidemic is to isolate and care for patients, not to quarantine entire communities, areas, or countries. Patients, communities, and countries that are fighting Ebola need our support.” (Real men must sometimes make real hard decisions. (You sir, are a girly man with girly affectations...and you are the head man? at the CDC. We are in deep trouble and surrounded but nothing but girly men)
A guest on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Frieden also said that experimental drugs may help with the spread of Ebola, but added, “The drug pipeline is going to be slow, I’m afraid.”
The CDC director said, however, that he understands that people are afraid because Ebola is a “deadly virus” that moves “very, very fast.” (Wow, I cannot believe the level of incompetence that is ruling over us and is evidenced in that last sentence. We are not afraid of Ebola, we are afraid of you...)
Read the story here...