Please read the whole thing but this commentary sums it up for me...
This is quite possibly the most egregious case of voter fraud in our nation’s history. Between this, and the race baiting by Thad Cochran’s team, accusing the Tea Party of racism, and McDaniel being affiliated with the KKK, there is a stench over the Mississippi GOP that will linger for years, if not decades to come.
This incident illustrates everything that is wrong with the Republican Party, a party that spends more time attacking the base of it’s own party, than the democrats, who are destroying our country. A Republican Party more interested in holding on to power, and corrupt business deals, than representing the American people.
There are a lot of phony “conservatives,” the ones with books to sell, and columns at phony “conservative” websites to promote, who are telling you and I to forget all of this. That McDaniel “lost” and that we need to “learn how to win some elections.”
So Chris McDaniel lost and we should just all move on ...right Ann Coulter? Is this what our founding fathers fought for? The right to corrupt the voting process so you can keep your puppet in office and the gravy train rolling? When is enough...enough? How much corruption do you tolerate? The good that you do in this world has a way of coming back to you and so do does the bad...hang in there people...things are starting to get good!
Read the whole story here...