Conservative pundit Ann Coulter on Wednesday laid out the strategy she thinks will help the GOP win the Senate, trying to scare Republicans into following her detailed instructions.
She seems incredibly concerned that libertarian candidates and the people that vote for them will ruin the election for everyone. (Ann, you are sorely mistaken...the people that will be responsible for losing elections will be your beloved Party itself...they don't call them the stupid party for nothing. They are attacking their base, not smart, and spending millions to crush them...but by all means, keep kidding yourself that Mitch McConnel is helping the cause because he if winning is everything. Do you remember the last time they were in charge? I do, and THEY DID NOTHING except democrat lite thanks. I can get that by voting for....the DEMOCRAT)
"The biggest current danger for Republicans is that idiots will vote for Libertarian candidates in do-or-die Senate elections (idiots will vote for Republican candidates, thinking things will change, only to be incredibly disappointed at which point your beloved party will say "next time, when we get more Republicans elected, then we can act but we can't chance losing elections so...patience Daniel Son patience...) , including Kentucky, Kansas, North Carolina and Colorado," she wrote in her column, adding that the independent candidate in the Kansas race also poses a threat to the party. "Democratic candidates don't have to put up with this crap — they're even trying to dump the official Democrat in Kansas to give the stealth Democrat a better shot."
Coulter has a point (Albeit a losing point). In close races, libertarian candidates could pull votes from Republicans, helping out the Democrat, especially in states like Louisiana and North Carolina.
"When we're all dying from lack of health care across the United States of Mexico, we'll be deeply impressed with your integrity, libertarians," Coulter wrote. "Which brings me to my final assignment this week: If you are considering voting for the Libertarian candidate in any Senate election, please send me your name and address so I can track you down and drown you." (Alrighty then, threats to scare us into voting for you guys? Hahahaha, no one is afraid of you guys bring it on. And by the way, if you don't want the base of your party in an all out revolt, try not spending hundreds of millions of dollars to CRUSH kind of sends the message that you guys don't need their vote...If the Republicans can pat yourself on the back and while your at slap Rove, and his senile democrat lite dinosaurs Cochran & Alexander while your at it. Your guys wanted to crush the Tea Party? I'd say be careful what you ask might just bite you in the ballot butt...And also, are you still under the impression that Republicans actually want to repeal Obamacare? Not for Amnesty? And are the party of less government, less taxes, less regulations? Don't be silly...George Washington warned us about the 2 party system consuming us...he was right...and a lot of us aren't going down that path anymore. You want to fix the problem of healthcare? Me too but it won't be the party that fixes this will be the people....See you in November...)