According to Investor’s Business Daily: “Adjusting for inflation, [$22 trillion is] three times more than was spent on all military wars since the American Revolution. The federal government currently runs more than 80 means-tested welfare programs. These programs provide cash, food, housing and medical care to low-income Americans. Federal and state spending on these programs last year was $943 billion.”
There is no doubt that poverty is a major problem in the United States; however, today the poverty rate hovers around 14%, which is actually higher than the poverty rate when President Johnson’s programs were launched. How in the world is it possible that programs which spend approximately $943 billion annually have failed to even make a dent in the population of poor Americans?
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You subsidize what you want more of...think corn subsidies, green energy subsidies, fewer people working either by disability checks or welfare and foodstamps all subsidized by you...the hard-working taxpayer, more college students (for all the good that done them), etc...all things we are subsidizing and getting more of but at what cost? Subsidizing corn production so we can put what we eat in our gas tanks has caused the price of everything to go up, green energy projects are nothing but a giant sucking sound on our economy and couldn't survive in the free market for a reason and also picks winners who should be losing...but I digress...
Motivating people to not work by giving them money and food does exactly what it was set up to do...get more people dependent on government...guess what happens when people are cut off from welfare...they go to work like the rest of us because they have to...
More students in college than ever before that leads more young people into debt and increases the cost of college...that's a vicious cycle no one ever talks about...the reason college is so high is because government interference in the free market giving these colleges more students than they have ever had before with no real world results to show for it...everyone is not meant for college and that's OK...
Now after subsidizing what you want more of, you tax what you want less of...which are those hard-working people who go to work to pay for all the subsidies government get less of those people because that's what happens when you tax's also a vicious cycle that leads to the government eventually running out of other people's money...they vicious cycle will end..I don't know when...but when it won't be pretty...