The Empire ( Shelby County) is safe for now as Darth Basar let go of his unrighteous indignation for the time being. Hopefully, this will be a lasting peace and not just a conveniently timed strategy to tide the dark side of the force over until Monday when Commissioner Melvin Burgess will be there. His absence meant that even with Basar's vote, Commissioner Bailey could not get the 7 votes needed to challenge the election of Chairman Ford and the approval of his appointments.
Commissioner Basar spoke out about not understanding what all the hullabaloo was about. He claims he never said that he would not vote to approve Chairman Ford's appointees. He said this while challenging conventional wisdom that to be a good republican, he had to go along with the Republican herd. I'm not sure what he is referring to since Republicans last year went against their Republican leanings to vote for fair-minded Democrat, James Harvey. Basar also said the only reason he went along with Commissioner Bailey was that he was just doing a commissioner a favor since Bailey wanted the committee appointments referred back to committee. Yeah right, sooooo it had nothing at all to do with the fact that Basar got no support for his nomination to be chairman. And it had nothing to do with the fact that he was butt-hurt because he thought since he had been the vice-chairman it was on the natural progression of things for him to become chairman. (Let me remind you that last year Basar refused to support Commissioner Shafer for Vice-chair even though she had earned that position with seniority and excellent leadership while Basar, the newbie, ended up getting the democrats to go along with him for the steal.) No one bellyached or contested that.
Basar seems to have selective holier than thou memory when it comes to others, but doesn't seem to have too much self-awareness when it comes to his own sanctimonious actions. Like when he called Commissioner Shafer out at the Republican Steering Committee meeting for voting for Chairman Justin Ford. Just to remind you... Baker noted this contradiction in his article about the meeting..."Unlike others, Basar said, he would not go public with his version of events or name names. He then proceeded to do both. As Baker put it, the vote for chairman had been a case of betrayal, not only of himself but of Republicans in general"...So, while Basar said he didn't understand the hoopla, his words and actions say the opposite.
Basar also stated that he did not appreciate the bullying tactics that some had used against him in trying to persuade him to vote for the appointments. Bullying? Did some call him with opinions urging votes for Chairman Ford's appointments? You know - so that commissioner's could get on with the people's business? Did someone write him a strongly worded letter saying as much? I'm thinking Basar's idea of public discourse and bullying might be two different things. This is politics. It's a dirty business. People get very passionate about their ideas and get very frustrated when they think their leaders are not doing the people's business but serving themselves. Like," I wanna be chairman, I was vice chair so it's my turn, Bwahahaha"...
Today's Basar was totally different than the last meeting when he seemed to have a case of the smugness bug. No smugness today. That was probably because he knew he didn't have the votes to unleash his vindictive plan to stick it to those who wouldn't support him for chairman.
Just for the record, nobody was calling out Basar for not going along with the Republican herd. They were calling him out for following the wrong herd. Commissioner Bailey is one of the most divisive personalities on the commission, and if that's the herd he's going to follow in the future, it's going to be a long 4 years.
Charles Nelson, acting as Yoda, spoke before the commission vote and said it best. "The vote that elected Chairman Ford should be respected. His appointments should be respected. Sending this back to committee was a slap in the face to citizens who have watched previous chairmen elected, and watched their appointments supported - not challenged" . He said that the "nepotism and favoritism needs to end, and those who lost the chairman position needed to suck it up and be a man. Move on and do the people's work and respect the chairman that was elected and the taxpayers that he represents..." Well said Charles...well said...
This is not final until Monday's full commission this ain't over...stay tuned...