The response follows a three-day visit to Detroit -- which desperately is trying to bail itself out of bankruptcy -- from two representatives with the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
“It is contrary to human rights to disconnect water from people who simply do not have the means to pay their bills,” Catarina de Albuquerque, one of the two representatives, said Monday at the conclusion of their visit. (Here in America, for the time being, you have to pay for services. Perhaps we should do things more like the God-Forsaken country of Africa where THEY DON"T EVEN HAVE RUNNING WATER in some places. Why don't you go over there and speak to those tyrannical dictators who keep that CONTINENT in poverty?)
“I heard testimonies from poor, African American residents of Detroit who were forced to make impossible choices -- to pay the water bill or to pay their rent.”
But the mayor's office blasted the U.N. review as one-sided. Alexis Wiley, Mayor Mike Duggan’s top aide, said the city is "very disappointed" with them.
"They weren't interested in the facts," she said. "They took a position and never once [before Monday] reached out to the city for data."
The policy change shuts off water to businesses and residents who either are 60 days past due or owe more than $150.
Read the rest here...